WARNING: Use the in game fullscreen button (top right) to fix the screen. It will only work like that. I'm not able to fix it right now but it is playable.

Controls: Move with Arrows and shoot with Space.

Iara's revenge was a little game that I made for a game jam. It's a shooter. It ended pretty smaller than what was intended because the programmer that was working with me had to bail and I ended up having to learn Godot from scratch coming from Gamemaker (which is pretty darn different. I have failed getting my head around Unity multiple times because I got so used to working with GM).

It is not a specially good game and even not that fun to play but I'm still proud of it since I made it on my own in 48 hours learning a pretty complex engine as I went. It was cool.

It is mainly here for keepsake and to be referenced by my next project :)


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

iara's revenge win64.zip 6 MB
iara's revenge linux.zip 9 MB

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